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Photo Gallery

Applying anesthetic.
A local anesthetic is applied to the affected area before the procedure begins.

Applying antibiotic
Applying antibiotic to the treated area before wrapping.

Wrapping the area
Wrapping the area after completing the procedure. The area should remain wrapped to aid healing and prevent infection.

Leg stage 1 Leg stage 2
This patient is returning for a second treatment. The dotted pattern is the signature characteristic of the WTR process. In this photograph it is easy to see how well the ink has been removed from the treated areas.After the second treatment has healed, the tattoo is barely visible. The patient has the choice to undergo a third treatment to clear up the residual ink if he or she so desires.
Swastika - before Swastika - after
Racist or offensive tattoos, gang symbols, and prison tattoos can be a significant impairment to future employment.  After only one treatment, the tattoo has been blurred beyond recognition. Further treatment will continue to obliterate the colors.
Early results Superman in process
The dots seen on this tattoo are the first step of removal process. Note that after only a single treatment, the details of the tattoo have largely disappeared in the treated areas. After one treatment, this bright and multicolored tattoo exhibits the characteristic polka-dot pattern of the WTR. Note that all of the colors have faded equally


Final Results

Results vary based on the depth and location of the tattoo. WTR believes that it is very important that all patients have realistic expectations of their final results.

Finger results

The tattoo on this patient's fingers has been completely removed following the tattoo removal process.




Arm results

The tattoo on the inner arm of this patient has been completely removed and, after some healing time, the area is almost indistinguishable from the surrounding tissue.